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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Blog, blogging along, along...

click to enlarge image (oh thank goodness for witty cartoonists and places like CartoonStock!)

This thing keeps on popping up in blogosphere - actually, it's not so much a thing as an exchange of... er... words, thoughts and sometimes heated wossnames. Recently it's been popping up over at Skint's place.

Given what some folk have said, I have one simple question.

Why do you blog?

For fun?To network?To get noticed?To have an ego massage?To meet new people?To market yourself, your work, your body...? To relax?'Cos you don't have a life?'Cos it's cool?'Cos all your mates do it?To wossname, wossname, wossname... (with apologies to Mr Pratchett's parrot).

You blog because...?

click to enlarge image

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