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Sunday, July 8, 2007

Creative Forces and Inspirations

Blue Dawn by Tay Dall - 2005

Blue Dawn

Ocean glints

as sunlight stretches

to kiss the eternal blue.

Moon calls forth

the earth’s embrace

And fingers of dawn

Caress the waves.

Whispers of a new day sparkle in myriad hues.

© 2007 Absolute Vanilla

A couple of years ago I came across the work of a local artist, Tay Dall, and was instantly captivated by her art. Somehow her paintings spoke to me and inspired me. I felt, goofy though it may sound, a soul connection, even though Tay and I have never met - chatted on the phone, yes, shared email, for sure. What I find so interesting is that the person who bubbles over the telephone line, who produces the most prolific quantity of work, who bounds and bounces, seems so unlike the person I'd imagined behind the paintings. Which makes me think... how much of the persona we present to the world, the personality that others see, is really the true person? I wonder how much any of of us reveal ourselves to others or do we save it entirely for our art - or even then, not? Indeed, how many of us even know who we really are?

The other thing I'm inclined to ponder is just how much we inspire each other. Who, for example, inspires you?

Here's another bit of a "pome" inspired by Tay's work.

creative force

silver circle


on high

brightening glow

- heaven-

night’s eye.

ancient mysteries

magical rites

below the stone slumbers

waits for flight.

whispered threads

woven imaginings

tales spread

and stories unfold.




the soul.

© 2007 Absolute Vanilla

And whaddayamean, where's that chicken?! Don't know, don't care is the succinct answer.


Damn, see what you've done now. You've woken the beast!

Ouch! All right, all right, you're not a beast. Honest you're not.... you're just a demented chicken.... Ow!!!!!

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