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Monday, October 1, 2007

Lions Circle Writing Endeavour

(Image from the Shameless Lions blog.)

As I mentioned a couple of posts ago, the Shameless Lions Writing Circle has been geared up for a new project - to write a collective short story. Now frankly, I have my doubts and concerns about over 40 people writing one story... but I'll reserve judgement and we'll see how it goes.

The first four pieces have been written and I've been tagged by Minx to write the fifth bit - thank the goddess I wasn't left to write the conclusion, or even something somewhere near the middle. Thank you, Mistress Minx, for saving me from that!

In his rules Seamus suggests that we all post the picture, the entire story and then add our own bit - but as I said to him this makes the thing become altogether unwieldy. So... I'm just going to post the pic - see above - and my bit - and if it intrigues you in any way, then I suggest to you go here to read the start of the story and whatever may come after...

So, this is my offering:

Sebastian leaned back in his chair, ran his hand over the stubble on his chin and afforded himself a thin smile. So, she had finally turned up in Jack’s life again. Just like the proverbial bad penny.
He flicked through the images on the screen. Grace laughing. Gracing dancing. Grace lazing in the sun. His eyes ran over the curve of her body, lingering on the rise of her breasts, the pert roundness of her backside. Ah yes, Grace the Temptress. Grace who could have been anyone, had anyone. Grace who knew the world lay at her feet. And by god, she’d meant to conquer that world. Ultimately it hadn’t mattered to her who she might trample on to grab her dreams. Sebastian chewed his lower lip, remembering the advice he’d given her long ago. "Be careful what you wish and dream for, Gracie. Make your choices wisely." But she’d just laughed, ran a hand over his face and flicked his hair from his eyes – with that casual sense of ownership she had with every man who’d crossed her path.
Funny how things came full circle… From owning, she’d been owned. Strange that she should have fallen for Sebastian Carrebreu, the sauve Frenchman – his namesake. He had no doubt she’d long forgotten him, Sebastian Comptom – but at least she’d remembered Jack…
He remembered the night she’d told them… He and Jack were on their way to the Hampton’s to Jack’s folks’ place – Grace was supposed to join them. Instead she had waltzed into the apartment, her hair flying, her cheeks flushed and declared, "Boys, you’re going to have to go without me!"
The smile on Jack’s face had crumpled. "Why, what’s come up? Whatever it is, can’t you cancel?"
"Absolutely not! See, I’m getting married, darlings!" The glittering diamond on her ring finger flashed as she thrust out her hand.
"To who?" He remembered how Jack had clutched the back of the sofa.
"To Sebastian!"
He remembered the pain, the betrayal in Jack’s eyes as he’d turned to him, gasping.
"Not me," he’d said. "Dear God, she’d never marry me. Nor would I ever ask her." He’d noticed how she’d narrowed her eyes at him.
"Of course not. Don’t be daft, Jack. Oh no offense, of course, Seb…" Her voice had been loaded with meaning. "No, I’m marrying Sebastian Carrebreu. Remember," she said, her eyes gleaming, "we met him at that protest and then at the conference his company gave."
"But you barely know him!" Jack cried. "You can't! He’s…"
"Why ever not?! Oh God, Jack, don’t get all possessive on me now. That would be so tedious."
She’d blown air kisses at them and flounced from the room. Twelve years… It might have been yesterday. But now she was back…and in Jack’s arms. Oh how the mighty are fallen. Sebastian smiled. It was a cold smile which didn't reach his eyes. He took a last glance at the photographs in front of him, closed the images and glanced through the notes in the file. Unfinished business... but not for much longer. He opened his email and began typing.

Now, I'm tagging Verilion to write the next bit.

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