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Friday, October 12, 2007

Reflections... and smile awards

Continuing the Phoktober theme... This series of shots was taken a while back when I was playing with light reflected through coloured glass objects onto a white surface. What I've done here is to take the reflected section from each shot without any sign of the real object of the reflection.

What we see is not

What we don't see may well be
Things are seldom what they seem

Look beyond
Between the glimmers of light

The magic resides within

Now see if you can work out which shot above came from which shot below!

Reflections in light
time and space
cease to be

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

And the good and fun news of the day is that lovely Bonnie over at Words from a Wordsmith has given me a "You make me smile, award"! Thank you, Bonnie! Your words make me smile too!

Made by Susan of Patchwork Reflections, she said, "Comments make me smile! So all of you who were nice enough to comment here are officially presented with the 'you make me smile' award! Congratulations!" On her blog she added this verse:

Smiling is infectious,
U can catch it like the flu.
Someone smiled at me today,
And I started smiling too,
Now I am passing it on to you!

So now I'm passing on the smile award to:

Verilion who's as daft as a brush - you have to know her to know...
Vesper - who is a kindred spirit and brings a smile to my heart.
John - who ends every comment with a smile which you know is heartfelt.
Baino - who has a wicked sense of humour
and Kyklops - who had me in stitches with his comment on my mushroom post!

You know what I hate about these awards - you're only supposed to be able to pass them on to five people - I think that's so unfair - I want to give awards to all of you - especially this one, because in some way, each of you brings a smile to my face! So go on, consider yourself awarded and SMILE!

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