These are scenes of pavement cafes and restaurants along the main street of Franschhoek - called Huguenot Street. If they look a little empty it's because most had finished munching - it was about three in the afternoon and a Thursday. On the weekend, if you don't make a reservation, the chances of finding lunch anywhere are slim and diners are known to linger until four in the afternoon! It's that popular. We had lunch at La Petite Ferme, just a little way out the village, perched on the mountainside looking out over the valley. No photographs of the sublime views, I'm afraid, as elderly ladies, I've learned, like to eat and run. Time is, I suspect, too short to linger...

The weekend fun continues... Sameera has very kindly given me a "Thoughtful Blog Reader" award. Thank you, Sameera!
She said, "I felt an award should be there to celebrate not the writers alone, but the readers as well. Reading is not a passive process as most people think it to be; it takes great depth ofmind to understand the true essence of what the writer wants to convey". The award is "for those people who have constantly motivated me with their opinions till now, each in their unique way."

As with all bloggy awards, the idea is to pass this on. I, however, have a slight problem with this... I know there are many who read my blog and think about what I've said but they don't leave comments, which means I don't really know who my most thoughtful readers might be. So, here's what I'll do - I'm passing this award on to each and every one of you who reads my blog. Thank you for taking the time to stop by, thank you to those who add a few words and thank you to all the readers of this blog for sharing my blogging journey with me. This one is for all of you. Please put the award up on your blog and please, in keeping with the spirit of the award, pass it on.
And now.... THE BREAKING NEWS!!!
We have babies...!!! Yes, spring is definitely here! The guinea fowl, who've been displaying the most bizarre mating behaviour are finally starting to see the er... fruits of their um... labour...
This particular family of guinea fowl have nested in my neighbour's garden and the shots are taken kneeling on the composter, hanging over the garden wall with a 300mm zoom lens! I'm guessing the chicks must be about a week old. In another two weeks or so they should be big enough to flutter and flap their way over the six foot wall and into our garden where there's always a feast waiting.

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