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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Ooh, I'm "nice" (though I rather wish I was in Nice...)

Dear, sweet and very genuinely nice Canterbury Soul has awarded me with "Nice". Although I only know CS a little from blogging and that infernal Facebook, he's always struck me as a caring, kind, considerate, creative, thoughtful and well, just very, very nice person. So a big thank you CS, for thinking that I'm nice too!

I've watched as this nice award has traveled nicely around blogosphere and have thought to myself, gosh, that's nice. What a nice thing to honour nice people with. Mind you, on the flip side I've also thought to myself, nice... hmm, that word... it's so... well, nice... no, not really, as a word it's not-nice. See, as a writer I have issues with nice. Just as I have issues with "then" and "suddenly" and "and then".

Anyway, I ran a search for "nice" and this is what the one set of dictionary definitions has to say about nice:

–adjective, nic·er, nic·est.
1.pleasing; agreeable; delightful: a nice visit.
2.amiably pleasant; kind: They are always nice to strangers.
3.characterized by, showing, or requiring great accuracy, precision, skill, tact, care, or delicacy: nice workmanship; a nice shot; a nice handling of a crisis.
4.showing or indicating very small differences; minutely accurate, as instruments: a job that requires nice measurements.
5.minute, fine, or subtle: a nice distinction.
6.having or showing delicate, accurate perception: a nice sense of color.
7.refined in manners, language, etc.: Nice people wouldn't do such things.
8.virtuous; respectable; decorous: a nice girl.
9.suitable or proper: That was not a nice remark.
10.carefully neat in dress, habits, etc.
11.(esp. of food) dainty or delicate.
12.having fastidious, finicky, or fussy tastes: They're much too nice in their dining habits to enjoy an outdoor barbecue.

So there you go, now you know, just in case you ever had any doubt about how nice, nice is...

Now, I understand I'm supposed to pass this award on... We-ell, a number of the people I had in mind have already received nice awards - people like Debi, Vesper, Scarlett, Kimy, Jon and CS himself (see, I just wanted you to know that I too think you're nice!) But now for some other nicely deserving nice people...

I hereby nominate Jefferson Davis who is one of the sweetest, nicest people I know in blogosphere - with the heart the size of lion, supportive and caring to boot.
Baino who has a nice bit of wit and is friendly and kind and supportive.
Rambler, who is a nice and loyal and faithful reader of this blog and who is generally far too hard on himself so needs to be told that he really is nice.
Bonnie, who is nicely enthusiastic, supportive, thoughtful and kind.
Wilf who is just the nicest little boy you could ever wish to meet.

No, stop, wait, this is silly. You know what, all of you who read this blog are NICE! You are, you really are. I therefore present YOU, YOU, YOU and YOU and all the people on my blogroll with the Nice Award. Now go and stick it on your blog and play it forward. Spread the love and the niceness! Let's make the world a happier and brighter and nicer place!

Oh yes, and since I'm playing Phoctober, here are some nice photos of a nice flower unfurling.

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