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Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Continuing with The Moon Topple's Phoctober Photographic Phun... (would that he'd chosen a different name... Phoctober, indeed! Tsk.)

It's amazing how much more we see when we really look. "Observe. You must learn to observe properly," my father always told me. "Look, notice the detail, see the subtleties of difference and similarity..." And so I observed shadows.

We know there are shadows all around us but do how often do we stop to reflect on them. Pointing a camera lens into a shadow, somehow the world becomes the shadow. The shadow gains its rightful place, becomes focussed within the camera's eye. We take so much for granted, we fail to see so much. Looking at life, the world, ourselves, through the lens of a camera opens up whole new worlds and new ways of seeing. Who'd have thought shadows could be this evocative. Strange that we should forget just how real they are.

Sun's ray inverted

Fusing day with the night

Light and dark interplay

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