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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Introducing Vanilla - the pre-published author

I found this meme over at Jon’s place and just had to borrow it – thanks, Jon!

What's the last thing you wrote?
Aside from a whole lot of edit changes? A poem for the blog.

Was it any good?
It’s okay and readers seemed to like it – but they might have just been being polite. But then poetry really isn’t my “thing”.

What's the first thing you ever wrote that you still have?
A children’s story, which I had to write using calligraphy and illustrate as part of an art college project. The first “real” thing I wrote, at age seven, was a play called “Little Girl Lost”. Set on roller skates it predated Starlight Express by a good few years – move over Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Write poetry?

Angsty poetry?
It has been known.

Favourite genre of writing?
Fantasy, paranormal, magical realism, supernatural stuff for young adults.

Most fun character you ever created?
Pad and Pod, two deeply mischievous and troublesome gnomes with voracious appetites. Oh yes, having just been pecked in the head – Atyllah the Hen.

Most annoying character you ever created?
A young girl in my second last manuscript who was intent on doing all the wrong things no matter how many opportunities she was given to improve her life. And oh yes – given she’s not looking – Atyllah the Hen.

Best plot you ever created?
The one I’m currently editing. The image above may give you some clues...

Coolest plot twist you ever created?
The one in the current manuscript – see excerpt – final question of this tag.

How often do you get writer's block?
I don’t get writer’s block but I can be extraordinarily good at procrastinating.

Write fan fiction?
No. I’m not convinced that copying is the sincerest form of flattery.

Do you type or write by hand?
Both, but mostly I type. It goes faster and it’s easier to make changes.

Do you save everything you write?
Yes. I have notebooks and folders full of bits and pieces. But like Jon, from whom I borrowed this tag, I all too often forget about them!

Do you ever go back to an old idea long after you abandoned it?
I haven’t done so yet but there is something I’m planning to go back to when the time is right – a fantasy trilogy for 9 – 12 year olds – which just happens to feature those gnomes – and a dragon, a wizard and a Great Dane with “views” - oh yes, and a young boy (or girl). Oh yes, and an evil sorceress and, and, and…

What's your favourite thing that you've written?
The manuscript that I’m currently editing - and I the one that I’m currently writing. Both have me very excited – but I think I’ll feel that way about every new manuscript!

What's everyone else's favourite story that you've written?
The manuscript I’m currently editing…

Do you ever show people your work?
Yes, it’s a brilliant way to learn. I’m part of a critique group and I have writing buddies with whom I share work. Having your work critiqued and critiquing the work of others is one of the best ways of learning to write better.

Did you ever write a novel?
Actually, I’m in the throes of writing my seventh novel. The first four were practice runs.

Ever written romance or teen angsty drama?

What's your favourite setting for your characters?
Whatever is right for the story.

How many writing projects are you working on right now?

Do you want to write for a living?
Despite a hearty dose of realism, make that a resounding "Yes!"

Have you ever won an award for your writing?
No, but then I’ve never entered any competitions. (Mind you, I did win a prize in a blogosphere short story competition once.) But I have had work published – a children’s short story and several non-fiction articles.

Ever written something in script or play format?
Yes, my first job was as a scriptwriter – so I’ve written plenty of stuff in script format – and then there was that play from when I was seven…

What are your five favourite words?
Sussuration, myopic, yum-yum, wobble, ethereal. This list is subject to change and depends on the phase of the moon.

Do you ever write based on yourself?
Yes, but not intentionally.

What character have you created that most resembles yourself?
Hmm, hard to say, all my main characters have bits of me in them somewhere.

Where do you get ideas for your other characters?
Everywhere – but mostly people I have met at some point in time. Yes, it’s a bit scary for those of you who are acquainted with writers – we borrow personality traits wherever we find them… Be afraid.

Do you ever write based on your dreams?
Sometimes but only partially. Dreams can be a wonderful source of ideas.

Do you favour happy endings, sad endings, or cliff-hangers?
Happy ones and cliff hangers.

Have you ever written based on an artwork you've seen?
Only in blog competitions.

Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write?
Yes, and I always go back and double-check in the editing phases.

Ever write something entirely in chatspeak?
No – but I have used it where it’s been necessary. I am, after all, writing for teenagers – sometimes you need to insert some of their language.

Does music help you write?
Occasionally, and scene dependent, but mostly I prefer to work in silence.

Quote something you've written:

“… My life is upside down, things have gone crazy… I have a right to know what’s going on!”
Mrs Tweadham sighed. “I can’t say another word. It isn’t safe.”
“Who’s stopping you?”

“I fear your father is.” I had to strain to hear her voice.
“My father? You said my real father was dead.”

“Yes,” said Mrs Tweadham, “he is.”

So, now you know.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Lilac Dawn

The Lilac Dawn Helps Me Remember…

I am all that is
And so are You

In the infinite vastness
of who I am
with the stars circling
around my head
my feet paddle
in the unbounded power
of the blue beyond
I watch as the lilac dawn
is washed with gold
and rose-tipped mountains
soar around me
and trees are brushed
with the rising light
I am the Sun
I am the multicoloured
splinter of light
through the prism of this plane
I am the infinite vastness
Of all that is One
Just as You are too.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Atyllah (not Vanilla) got tagged for a meme - take cover now

Atyllah, as seen through the ether of the Multiverse...

Bonnie over at Bonnie's Books left the following message in the comments box...

Atyllah? Yo, Atyllah! Where are you, quirky chicken? I just dropped by to tell you that I tagged you for a quirky little meme, and I hope you'll do it for me. I'd like to know you better. Your assignment, if you choose to do it, can be found here:

Oh, and please say hello to Vanilla for me, will you?

Those of you who have been long and regular readers of this blog and the blog that preceded it, will know exactly who Atyllah is. For those of you who don't, please follow the link from Atyllah's picture in the column alongside. Here, I will simply suffice to say that Atyllah is a Chicken. With Attitude. From a planet called Novapulse - that's Novapullis - New Chicken - geddit?

I duly sent a message to Atyllah in Novapulse (she gave up on humanity a good while ago and went home in disgust) and have just received a reply from her...

Oh, by the way, the rules of the meme are as follows:

* link to the person who tagged you
* post the rules on your blog
* share six non-important things/ habits/ quirks about yourself
* tag at least 3 people at the end of the post and link to their blogs
* let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

Greetings sad Earthlings - oh, and you happy ones too. I see your fascination with me continues unabated. I've yet to make up my mind whether this is a good or a bad thing...

So, Bonnie wants to know six quirky things about me. Hmm. I hope she doesn't live to regret this.

Since I am about to convene a meeting of department heads of the Allied Federation of Intergalactic Associations, I don't have much time, and, besides, UberAgent the Grand High Cluck is casting beady looks in my direction which I'm not much enjoying. Novapulsians, you should know, have developed a "view" about humanity - or more correctly, inhumanity - and intergalactic fraternisation with you lot is frowned upon.

Right, so six quirky things about me. (Actually, I don't think they're remotely quirky, but knowing you humans, you inevitably will.)

1. I prefer to eat my worms and grubs (and other such delicacies) with a light seasoning of olive oil and garlic - this is a little treat I discovered whilst on Earth. Since we don't have olive trees on Novapulse, I had to bring back crates of olive oil with me when I returned. Now I'm running low on supplies - 'cos it seems the other chickens like it too. Perhaps one of you would be willing to send me more? We could set up and import/export arrangement - you could send me olive oil, I could send you Granny Were when she's lunar...

2. I may have inherited more of Granny Were's werechicken tendencies than I first realised. I've discovered I love to crow to the full moon.

3. Having brought Chicken Man back to Novapulse with me, I find we rather enjoy role swapping games... Oh yes, it's very kinky. I dress him up in feathers and he dons my old human suit.

4. I am able to interact fluently with all sentient beings across the infinity of the multiverse - though I confess to struggling to get humans to understand my point of view. I suspect this has less to do with me and a lot more to do with YOU!

5. I discovered this great comedian whilst I was on earth - he's called George W Bush. I make a point of tuning in to Earth television on a regular basis so I can cackle at his antics. He is just sooo funny - and I've realised he cannot possibly mean anything he says because its all too ludicrous for words. Great comedy, Georgie, you're blessed with comedic genius.

6. Beans make me fart. This is a deeply quirky thing for us Novapulsian chickens given that beans are a staple part of our diet. I realise this might seem strange to you because I have never met a human who could eat a bean without farting.

Now, let me think, who shall I tag... Hmmm... Some old friends and some of Vanilla's new friends - and forget it, I'm not sticking to three people only, you know what I think of your Earth rules! (And no, it doesn't rule - just remember that!)

Jefferson Davis
Baino of Baino's Banter
Shameless of Shameless Words
Jon of Writing in a Vacuum
Steph of The Biopsy Report
Moonrat of Editorial Ass
Sameera of Sameera's Haven

Right, and now let me get to that meeting.

Over and out, Vanilla, and please say "Buk-buk, a la Ba-Kaaak, Peck-Peck" to all our dear friends on Earth.

Notes from Vanilla:
1. "Buk-Buk etc" is the offical Novapulsian Greeting.
2. I did say to Bonnie that I take no responsibility for Atyllah's "quirkish replies.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Progress Report

It seems that hanging out a little less in blogosphere is paying off - I'm moving through the edit of my young adult novel at a really good pace - faster than I anticipated and it's going really smoothly.

*wipes brow and heaves a sigh of relief*

I'm about 44 pages from "The End" and once that's done, I will go through the entire manuscript yet again, reading it aloud to test that the flow and nuances work properly. And then it will be into a large padded envelope and off to London - and I'll settle down to continue with the manuscript I started working on last year. And that, I'm really looking forward to. I know what the story is about, have a sense of where it will go but for the rest, the actual getting there, well that, as usual, remains one glorious adventure. Wooohoooo!

As for the pics for today... D bought me a couple of bags of marbles (a Christmas stocking filler) knowing my inclination to enjoy working with light and reflections. So here you go, this is what happens when you hand me a camera, some marbles, sunshine and then stick me in the digital darkroom!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Conjoined and separated - the ultimate illusion

I've recently been blessed out of my socks by three young boys who told me they are angels. And I've gone to have three separate conversations with their respective mothers talking about their child's' conversations with God and angels.

Two of the mothers are what I would call "aware". They are open to Spirit and our interconnectedness with all things. They are not what I would call "flakey" - both are grounded and successful in their own right. While both worry how the world will respond to their young sons' divine conversations and recognition that they stem from Source (or God, or whatever you choose to call "It"), they at the same time do not discourage their boys from these conversations. Instead they support and honour them.

The third mother, on the hand, blushed to the roots of her hair when her son told me that he and God and the angels spoke regularly.
"This is so embarrassing," said the mother, "I hope to God he'll grow out of it."
(Ironic choice of language, don't you think?)
"Why?" I asked.
"Well, you know, it's just so childish. It's like believing in Santa Claus. Of course, it's sweet while he's little but he's going to have to stop this nonsense sooner rather than later. People are already beginning to laugh at his funny little ways."
My heart went out to the poor little chap who would, I knew, be torn away from that to which he intrinsically knew he was part - and all because his connectedness would threaten the world's view of how things ought to be - you know, that world that so likes to control and impose rules and order as opposed to just allowing things to Be.

As I pondered these conversations the following struck me:

These children believe - no, they know - that they are sons (or daughters) of God - just as the Christ was. The only difference is this: An archangel supposedly told Mary she would give birth to the son of God and so believing the angel, the Christ was able to grow up supported by his family as indeed being the son of God. The mothers I spoke to had no such messenger visit them even though their sons, like all children, came into the world with the same knowing that the Christ had.

In the case of most children, parents have forgotten their own origins and have conformed to the fears of the world and so do not support their children's knowing that they are sons and daughters of the Divine. In fact, they actively discourage this knowing as "blasphemy".

Man, it seems, may talk or pray to God, but heaven forbid that God should talk to Man. Where, after all, would that leave organised religion... - and world order...

And so we and our children grow up being torn from that which we knew we have sprung. So begins our separation from the Light. And with that separation, and in place of Love, grows the root of fear as we forget the truth of who and what we really are. We spend the rest of our lives trying to remember who we are, trying to determine our purpose and "the meaning of life", feeling threatened, lost, angry, sore and alone, while some small part of us may hope that we'll find our way back to our essence which we somehow, may dimly remember as residing somewhere deep within us... All the while unaware that we have been jinxed by the illusion of fear.

I trust that this post won't cause any offense - it is certainly not my intent. We are all free to follow our own paths, walk whatever journeys we must in order to find our way back to what we perceive to be the Truth. Whatever path you have chosen to walk, may blessings be heaped upon you.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Erm, Vote for Me... at Santa's Blog of the Day

Unaccustomed to and uncomfortable as I am with shameless self promotion.... (and believe me when I tell you - adding this in as a post script - that this post does indeed make me deeply uncomfortable. Please see * at the end of post.)

The very sweet and generous Sameera has nominated me for Santa's Blog of the Day for the 19th of January - and because Sameera is such a honey, I thought I'd play along.

Yes, I did say Santa and I did say blog. Santa, it appears, has his own blog, his own web page and all sorts of other things going on. Santa, it seems, unlike many others of my acquaintance, has "got with the programme" and is doing his thing in cyberspace. Now that's what I call moving with the times.

It seems too that Santa hands out awards for favourite blogs. Now, I don't know if my blog is a favourite of yours but if it is, perhaps you'd like to get together with Santa and vote for me HERE

Christmas may be over - for now - but it seems the love is still flowing! ;-)

And oh yes, the editing is going very well!

Postscript: I remain in two minds as to whether to remove this post or not.
Posting this nomination has made me extremely uncomfortable. I am really not into this kind of self promotion. The ego is a damnable thing and this sort of thing just panders to it. However, at the same time, I know and appreciate the spirit in which Sameera made this nomination and for that reason, and to honour her intent, I will leave this post up. I will, however, have to rack my brains overnight to come up with a new post for tomorrow, so this one doesn't stay on top for long. I hope you'll understand my "logic" on this and not find this post offensive.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Squirrel Paradise

My garden, it appears, is turning into something of a "development". There are signs of building everywhere, as the image below evidences.

There are creatures at work - building, renovating and refining. There are altercations about occupancy and tenancy. There is, in short, a population explosion across the realm of my garden.

The reason is probably a simple one. It's a fine neighbourhood with many benefits and features.

For a start there is very fine dining to be had in the form of an indoor restaurant, which, although usually offering service, seems to have become something of a take-away. A sort of, "Oh look, guys, there's this huge basket full of nuts... It's just waiting for us!"

There are also several outdoor cafes which have proven to be a huge hit and tables are generally fought for.

There also happens to be a rather fine spa facility.

And there's a recently added bar which has been a big hit.

In short, my garden is a squirrel paradise. And don't they let me know it!

Ah well, at least they're generally willing to pose for the camera.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


I met God today.
He told me he was from Burundi.
His face was dark and shiny.
He said he had no money, asked if I could give him a job.
He said they were going to evict him from his house if he couldn't pay his rent.
I said I had no job for him but I gave him some money and promised that if I heard of anyone who could offer work, I would come and find him.
As I drove away he smiled. His face lit up and so did mine and the heavens shone above us.

I hugged God today.
I touched the vastness of all we beheld.
He whispered love and peace to me, as I wrapped my arms around his girth.
As I gazed at him in wonder he scattered golden leaves in my hair.

I smelled God today.
She was fresh and pure and took me to ecstatic heights of chocolate, vanilla, peaches and roses.
My heart sang as I swam in the scent of love.

I cried with God today.
She told me she was from Zimbabwe.
Robert Mugabe had burned the market where she worked.
She has a six year daughter whom she'd left behind.
She came here to look for work and her husband ran off with another woman.
Now she has no place to live.
She looked at me with eyes filled with pain.
And I felt her heart crack and ache.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The work begins - and some enlightening entertainment

And so, the work begins, and what do I do, I venture to my blog. Tsk.

After a couple of days of procrastination, mostly as a result of "Oh. My. God! Where do I start?!", and another day of quietly shifting through the comments to my manuscript from my critique partners, I am now ready to settle down and begin work in earnest. The task, I think, will be less daunting that I first feared, and although I've never been terribly keen on editing, I have to say I'm suddenly very excited about making this story the best I possibly can. It helps that I like that story and that those who've read it feel the same. So the motivation is there, the energy is ready to tackle the job in hand and it's time to be focussed.

As I said in the previous post, this means blogging will become sporadic as I become more than a trifle goal directed - but needs must. I'll see you when I see you - I'll try to visit as time allows and I'll post when I can.

Good luck with all the things you're doing - I hope success and happiness flow hand in hand for you! Know that I hold you all in my heart and thoughts.

The attached shots were taken on a recent day out in the country and there's also a little something which I hope will amuse and enlighten! :-) Have a wonderful week!

In the words of Swami Beyondananda, that wise guru...

Saturday, January 5, 2008

A Night at the Awards

Let me start by saying that reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. I am not dead. See, just in case you were beginning to think I'd fallen off the planet, I haven't. I'm still here, doing a lot of decluttering and thinking and trying to get myself focussed for a huge push on a very big edit of last year's manuscript. No, that's not the one I'm currently writing - it's the one I finished in 2006 and edited in 2007 and now have to re-edit yet again following on really good feedback from my critique partners and an invitation to submit to an editor with whom I'm very keen to work. (Yes, please keep fingers and toes crossed for me!) And of course, once that's done, which I'm figuring will take a month or two, then it's back to the current work in progress. And I'm also hoping for feedback from the same editor on an earlier manuscript that was submitted at last year. I suppose what I'm saying is that blogging is going to have to take it's rightful back seat while I concentrate on doing the things I really have to do. So, expect posting and visiting to be sporadic, I guess - though of course, I never say never...

Now that aside, while I was out of blogosphere pondering all sorts of things, award time was happening and I'm overwhelmed at all the "gifts" that have been heaped upon me - I feel like I've had a night at the Oscars - but without all the gumpf that goes with that! Thank you so much to Celestine, Sameera and Bonnie for respectively gifting me with "The Colours of Friendship Badge", "Bloggers of the World" and "2007 Inspiring Blog", and "Mwah!"

As is the way of these things, I'm to pass on each award to five others.


This award goes to those who have especially touched my life with their warmth, laughter, friendship, love and kindness this past year - both on and off blogosphere:

Red Dirt Girl

(yes, I know, I can't count! ;-) )


I'm going to copy Sameera here and award this one to ALL of you - because if ever there was a new world tribe, you're it; the embodiment of coming together and interconnectedness despite nationality, culture and religion. Bloggers of the World - yeah!


The Inspiring Blog Award goes to some people whose words, images and thoughts I find particularly inspirational:

Mother Wintermoon


The purpose of this award is motivated by:
the desire to hand some of that love and kindness back around to those who have been so very, very, very good to me in this bloggy world. My hope is that those who receive this award will pass it on to those who have been very, very, very good to them as well. It's a big kiss, of the chaste platonic kind, from me to you with the underlying 'thanks' message implied. I really do appreciate your support and your friendship and yes, your comments. ... Mwah!
And so I pass on a great big Mwah! to:

Canterbury Soul

(yes, yes, I know, I still can't count).


And now I'm going to post another award to those who so often leave me chuckling - and who certainly have been known to brighten my day in a more humourous way.

Although these bloggers don't necessarily set out to be witty or humourous, they all have a wicked sense of humour! So, this one goes to:

Mutley - a very dirty dog
Kyklops - who has clearly been abducted by mushrooms at some point in his colourful past
Minx - who is irrespressible and incomparable
Jon - who personifies nuttiness
Wilf - who is a small boy with a wicked sense of humour, though he'd possibly disagree
Scarlett - very particularly for her rainbow chicken post!
Baino - for her whacky ozzie humour :-)

Hope you're all enjoying a wonderful weekend - and Blog On!