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Thursday, August 6, 2009

It's All About Perspective

Yes, We Sometimes Find It In Unexpected Places

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Just about the last place you'd expect to see bright colours and an interesting message would be - let me think - a building site, right? But while I was shooting some amazing Christmas decorations along Orchard Road, Singapore, in mid-December 2007, I suddenly looked behind me.

There was a building site that was a hive of activity. But the site was cordoned off from the general public with metal fencing that sported this beautiful paintwork - and a great set of words.

The beautiful green tropical plants are not painted on - they're real. And d'you know what - that tree might look as if it was cleverly rendered into the painting, but no, it is genuine too. Yes, it's a real tree and part of the interesting perspective of the scene is the fact that the tree's contour has been integrated into the metal.

Someone has very carefully cut a hole in the metal sheeting so as not to disturb the tree in the slightest way. Construction work that does not disturb the environment in any way? Yup, that's perspective for me.

Visit MamaGeek and Cecily, creators of Photo Story Friday.

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