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Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 - and I wish for you...

New Year's Midnight Blue Moon - 00:00:00 - 01:01:10

2010 and I wish for you a year filled with
love and laughter
peace and harmony
success and good health
joy and enlightenment
friendship and good fun.

I might look back on the last year - and the past decade - and see dark places and difficult times. Equally, I might look back and see a time of tremendous growth, challenges and opportunities. Mostly, I look back and see a time of balance, of profound learning and personal growth. And I realise then, in the immortal words of Robert Frost, I stood at the beginning of the new millenium and saw two roads diverge in the wood and I, I chose to take the one less travelled by - and that, indeed, has made all the difference.

And so where to now, eh?

Onward and upward?

Whichever way the road goes, it will bring with it more of the same - such is life. The scenery may change, the weather too (no, I'm not talking about climate change!), we will change - for to stagnate is to die, the world will change, for change is the one constant we can always rely upon - and yet, in many ways, all will remain the same, our human nature and our inability to learn from the past seems to ensure that. It depends, I guess, on how you look at it - whether you view the world from the high road or the low road.

But whichever road each of us takes - I still wish for all of us the very same - which is all and only the very best of everything - always.

They said last night was a blue moon. Down here we had shear winds too - blowing both from the north-west and the south-east and a cloud sky planted by Johnny Appleseed. There was powerful magic afoot and in line with the moon's promptings I followed the moonsong - and look what happened... Shall I take it as a sign of a time of still greater creativity...? I hope so!

I started with the New Year's Blue Moon...

Decided it really wasn't very blue - and headed into the digital darkoom...

I then wandered to the lounge and stared at the tree lights and started to play with the zoom lens...

I wondered about the moon again... and this is what happened...

Then I played with the tree lights some more...to create silent New Year's fireworks...

And then got this...

And called it "Ripley's Ride"... If this is anything to go by, it looks like it will be one helluva ride indeed! I'll see you on the other side, then, shall I...?

Have a wonderful, happy and prosperous 2010!

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