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Friday, February 19, 2010

Field Trip Friday - An Atlanta Gem

Do you ever feel stuck in the mud? I woke up uninspired and grumpy - couldn't get anything going. I know that to get my creativity moving I need to be surrounded by beauty. So I decided to go on a neighborhood field trip to the Swan House, which is a couple of miles from my house.

The Swan House, built in 1928 by the Edward Inman family, is on 28 acres in the heart of Atlanta. It was designed by Atlanta architect Philip Trammel Shutze. (To read more about him please visit this blog: ArchitectureTourist).
This house is one of Atlanta's most famous, photographed landmarks. Growing up here, you might take this treasure for granted - but it is truly a treasure worth visiting.

I had not been to visit since the major restoration completed in 2004 and I was impressed. The entire house is open for tours (even the bedroom level and kitchen). The house is one of the most beautiful of its era and attention was paid to every detail.

My favorite part of the house is (surprise here) the entrance hall with black and white Italian marble. This room alone is worth the tour. I could stand here for hours and be happy:

Photo below from Classic Atlanta by William Mitchell and Van Jones Martin:

The formal rooms are lovely, below is the dining room:

The library, pictured below, is one of the most approachable rooms in the house with its beautiful wood carvings by H.J. Millard of Bath, Englad. The painting over the fireplace is of Saint Cecilia. (photo from Classic Atlanta by William Mitchell and Van Jones Martin)

Below is the breakfast room off of the entrance hall. The red alcoves have convinced me to paint my own bookshelves brick red.

Mrs. Inman's bedroom

Entrance facade with Doric columned Palladian portico:

The view from Andrews Drive

What a fabulous way to spend Friday morning, surrounded by beauty, man-made and natural. I'm certainly cheery now and hope everyone has a great weekend.

For more information about the Swan House, please visit the Atlanta History Center.

All photographs from the Atlanta History Center Website, unless indicated otherwise.

post script - I found this photo of the front door that I took on my camera on my phone. The color fascinates me. Wouldn't you have expected black? I like the blue.

I took a better photo of the front door:

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