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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

5 generations in 135 years (or even over one millennium)

Yesterday I presented the visualizing tool Popplet and gave you an example of one of the possibilities; describing a family tree.
This morning I searched for some old photos of the generations before me; our parents and grandparents. On this image 5 generations with a birth date from 1875 (Anna Marie) to 2010 (Hedda Emilie) are presented.
Searching for old photos and making them available in a digital form may help the upcoming generations to better knowledge of and interest in their roots. If our grandchildren want to go further through genealogy research in Local history books or Parish registers (Kirkebøker), this is a start.

Parish registers are one of the most important primary sources for Norwegian genealogy documentation. The first mention of parish registers is in 1668, when the priests were requested to maintain such a register. Although this request did not become law until 1685, some priests in Norway had already begun keeping such registers in the first half of the 1600’s.

Through documentation like that, the web and other persons works, I have been able to follow my ancestors back to the same period starting with Klaus Serkvidsson Helsem (1628 - 1690) and Rasmus Engelbrigtsson Myklebostad (1588 - 1666).
There are a some documentation that can lead me back to Torberg Arneson Giske (990 - 1050) who participated in the Battle of Stiklestad (1030) and his father Arne Jarl Arnmodson Giske (963 - 1024) who participated in the Battle of Hjørungavåg (986), (and even to his grand-grand-grandfather Finnvid born 850 in Ønundarfjord Iceland). But that is only if I WANT TO.

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