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Monday, October 4, 2010

Baaaad Vanilla!

Mea very very culpa. I have been a bad girl. I have become horribly behind in all sorts of things I undertook to do and I hereby beat my chest, tug my forelock and groveling-ly apologise to all those I have let down.

Yes, yes, it’s true. I am entirely behind all the author interviews and book reviews I promised to do. I owe Sarwat Chadda and Nick Green author interviews. I promised book reviews to Ellen Renner and Gillian Philip. And I’ve been so caught up in “life” that reading - and I regret to say, writing - have been cast aside.

In an effort to catch up, I am now reading Sarwat Chadda’s Dark Goddess and Nick Green’s The Cat Kin at the same time. It’s causing me no end of trouble… Sarwat’s Billi Sangreal keeps morphing into a cat, while Nick’s Ben and Tiffany keep getting chased by werewolves – and that’s just all so wrong – because it’s Billi who’s hunting down the werewolves who’ve abducted the Spring Child, while Nick’s Ben and Tiffany have the wondrous ability to draw on their inner Mau and morph into catlike beings in order to go after the bad guys.

Note to self: really, don’t try to read two books at once, you are simply not in any fit state to do so – go and eat chocolate instead.

At least, I’m not getting confused between Ellen and Gillian’s books, as I’ve not even started them yet (sorry, grovel, sorry). But what I will say is this: there is a smouldering burn on the carpet next to my bed - and it’s all that Seth’s fault – for those who don’t know, he’s the seriously hot half-feral son of a Sithe nobleman in Gillian’s YA novel, Firebrand. He’s so seriously hot that I think he’s sent Ellen’s Tobias running for a huge bucket of water in the City of Thieves. Good old Tobias – I’m hoping he’ll prevent my entire house from burning down – assuming his family don’t nick the house first...

Anyway, at least you know what will be forthcoming on the blog, if I ever manage to get my life sorted out. And…there will also be, when it arrives, an interview with Savita Kalhan about her debut YA novel, The Long Weekend.

Right, now I’d better get on with catching up on the critiques owed to three of my critique partners, Jackie Marchant, Candy Gourlay and Lynn Huggins-Cooper.

I may be a while – again.

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