Melgaard was born in Sydney Australia, raised in Norway and works and lives in New York. Early in his career Melgaard created controversial installations referencing subversive subcultures such as S&M and Heavy metal music. Currently, his practice consists of an emphasis on expressionistic paintings and drawings, often containing text.
The price of Melgaard´s painting on the photo is 1.5 mill nok. and with a size that I call museums or institution-decorating art.

Thore Heramb to a price of only 5% of Melgaard´s painting. In addition Heramb´s "Autumn Landscape" has a size that can hang in an ordinary home.
One of the paintings you may find attractive at Kaare Berntsen´s walls today is Andy Warhol´s portrait of Mic Jagger. Go and have a look (and bring your creddit card too).
Some years ago Kaare Berntsen sold this painting by One of the paintings you may find attractive at Kaare Berntsen´s walls today is Andy Warhol´s portrait of Mic Jagger. Go and have a look (and bring your creddit card too).
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