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Friday, October 8, 2010

Liu Xiaobo 刘晓波 Nobel Peace Prize 2010

This morning I was in the process of writing about China based upon the journey two of my friends did in this fantastic country only a few days ago. However, the choice by the Norwegian Peace Prize Committee to give this year price to Liu Xiaobo had to be prioritized.The Nobel Committee awarded 刘晓波 the Prize "for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China". I expect the global media will cover the award good enough, so I do not need to go deeper into this controversial decision.

I therefore return to the photos from China Today and will urge you all if possible to visit the huge country Zhōngguó (center of civilization) as the Chinese themselves call their country. Civilization (the stage of human social development and organization that is considered most advanced) is why I believe Chinese administration within short will return to openness and prosperity (bringing wealth and success) to all it´s citizens.

Environmental challenges and pride of ancient times will be some of what you will meet on your journey.
Maybe it is not fair to show you the next photo, but the diversity from luxury hotels in cities to ordinary rural life is also a part of your potential experiences when going there.

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