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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Shovel Ready Realization
President Obama now admits that there is no such thing as "shovel ready" projects. On the campaign trail, Democrats are wishing there was no such thing as President Obama.

AOL to Buy Yahoo?
AOL is trying to buy Yahoo. It already has the money to make an electronic transfer, but it's going to take six weeks to send it to Yahoo because AOL is still using dial-up.

Rattner Banned
Former Obama Car Czar Steven Rattner is about to be banned from Wall Street for two years... not because he broke securities rules, but because he had the gall to actually be seen in a Chrysler.

Big Ben Returns
Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger returns from his four-game suspension this week. In his absence, Roethlisberger has fallen hopelessly behind Brett Favre in key stats like completions, TD passes, and cases of sexual harrassment.

Doc Suspended
A New Jersey doctor has been suspended for performing late-term abortions. But most Jersey residents are hoping it's not too late for him to do something about Snooki.

October 14th

1656: The people of Massachusetts enact punitive legislation against the Quakers in retaliation for being unable to figure out how to make instant oatmeal.

1947: Air Force Captain Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier, it was immediately repaired, but America’s insurance premiums shot way up.

1949: Eleven leaders of the American Communist Party are convicted and sent to serve out their sentences at the New York Times editorial board.

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