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Sunday, February 6, 2011

From the archives for the return of Odd Shots

I have to fess up. I really haven't been out and about with my camera much in the last few weeks. Though we have not had buckets and buckets of snow and ice like some parts of the country, it has been very cold and gray and mostly boring.

I have been poking about in my photo archives and came across this, which you may have seen some time ago.

It is the picture I took one spring break day when some boys came to the door and asked if they could go into our yard to get their ball.

At least...

I thought they said ball.

An Odd Shot is something visually unusual. Something taken from an unusual angle. Or something that just strikes your funny bone.

The details are here.

And here is the Linky, which will close about 3 p.m. Pacific Time on Tuesday. This is the first time I have used this Linky service, so be patient if I don't have it set up right. If the Linky doesn't work, leave your Odd Shot link in the comments.

Okay, so that is not what I goofed up. Why didn't I remember to set the time to schedule the post? The linky is set to start at 3:00 Sunday. We'll see if that happens if I get the post up too early. Darn! Did it again.

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