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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ooh la! In which I get interviewed...

The Writing Cave...

So, here's how it goes, I read a book, I offer to do an author interview (or I'm asked to do one) - frequently a tough one. Well, ha! The table was recently turned on me and Kim Koning of The Dragonfly Scrolls asked if she could interview me! Me? Why me? How could I possibly be interesting, have something worth saying? Oh crisis of confidence! I hoped Kim would go easy on the interviewer...

I have to say, it was a lot of fun and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Am now available for interview gigs. Any offers? Just kidding - for now...

So, if you want to learn more about my writery ways, what's influenced me along the way, how I work, where I work and so on, then take a look at Kim's interview with me.

Given that I'm still in a state of shock at the experience (not really, I'm just overwhelmed with other stuff), the interview will serve as this week's post! How's that for a neat cop-out?

Even my writing pal, Fless, got a look in...

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