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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tales of the Terrifying

There should be a blog post, I know there should. There hasn't been one for a while. Mea very, very culpa. I apologise. If you like, I could even manage a little grovel. But here's the thing, aside from being busy (manuscript editing, medical aid battles, house plans), I have nothing to say right now. And I'm of the mind that if there's nothing to be said, then, well, best say nothing.

That said, I will point you to another blog where I tell about one of my less pleasant paranormal experiences. What? You didn't know I had them? Well, now you do. Let it not be said that my life is dull...

Kathryn Brown from the Crystal Jigsaw blog, has recently created a new blog called Marvellous Mable, in which she posts tales of the paranormal as sent to her by friends and blog buddies. If you want to have a quick shiver, take a look at Menace at Midnight, a paranormal event which I experienced shortly after I had left home and moved into my own flat.

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