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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Randomly Meme and a bit of a Writerly Meme

John from Country Don't Mean Dumb has tagged me for seven random things about myself. Here are the rules of the game:

1. Link to the person’s blog who tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. List seven random and/or weird facts about yourself.
4. Tag seven random [?] people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by posting a comment on their blog.

Hmm, so seven random things, eh... ummm...

1. I don't drink tea, coffee or alcohol but give me cocoa and I'm happy.
2. As a kid I spent lots of time hanging upside down off a trapeze bar which hung from a tree in our garden.
3. I was thrown out of art college for being over-confident. Ha bloody ha - aren't other people's perceptions wonderful things.
4. I am a dog person. Actually, more specifically, I'm a Golden Retriever person. In fact, I might be part Golden Retriever.
5. One of my favourite memories is sitting with my granny in her "bauernstube", drinking tea, eating anchovy toast and listening to her stories.
6. I once helped Santa build his grotto (my one and only foray into the world of "window and shop design").
7. When I was six I decided I was going to be the boss and an owner of a big company and sit with my feet on the desk. Well, I got the feet on the desk bit right, at least!

And now onto the tagging...

And yes, you're it!

1. Wanderlust Scarlett
2. Verilion ('cos she needs something to get her blogging momentum going again)
3. Moon Topples (because he's slipped on NaBloPoMo and clearly needs motivation)
4. Sameera
5. Canterbury Soul
6. Le Laquet
7. Rambler

I was also tagged for a meme by Monideepa a while ago. It was a writer's strengths and weaknesses meme. Well, I did the strengths in an earlier meme and it's over here.
As for weaknesses. I suspect my greatest is the same as a great many other writers.... Procrastination. I don't know what it is but there are some days when even mowing the lawn becomes more appealing and important than writing. It's bizarre, since I love writing and being in the flow of writing, and yet boy, oh boy, can I procrastinate. I suspect this might be because it links to another weakness, not totally trusting my muse, fearing she may let me down halfway through. Since I'm not a plotting and planning type of writer, writing is often a rollercoaster. I have no idea where the story is going and I think there are times when I'm just numbed into inaction. Strange, because I know if I just trust to the muse, the story flows. Yes, well, on that note...

I'm not tagging anyone for this, because most of you have already done the strengths meme, but if you want to do it, go ahead!

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