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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Stream of Consciousness Part 3 ...and Squirrel babies!

Continuing the flowing stream of consciousness...

Stream of Consciousness IV

I fly




Travel lightly

through myriad realms

Reach out

touch the sky

become One




Peace is home

There go I

I'd like to take the opportunity to direct you to two blog posts that have really touched me today - I urge you to take a look at Hand in Hand at Alaleh's blog and Sometimes I'm Serious at Baino's blog. See the highs and the lows of humanity and wonder at that which we are.

And now we interrupt our normal programming to bring you this newsflash!

Scenes captured yesterday in Ms Vanilla's backyard.... Squirrel bath-time! It would appear that aside from the hatching of guinea fowl chicks, the squirrels too have been broody...

"Hello, Mom, whatcha doin'?"

"Hmm, well while you're here Andy, I think it's time for a wash. Now just hold still, will you!"

"Gee, Mom, why don't I wash you instead!"

"Look, I can give you a hand with your arm."
Mom thinks to herself, "Hmmm, why is bath time always such a trial?"

"Just you hold still, Andy."
"Aw, Mo-om..."

"Stop squirming, Andy!"

"Look, Mom, here's Candy..."

"Right, then bath time for both of you!"

"Will you two quit mucking about, one of you will fall out of the tree if you don't stop all this nonsense. Keep still!"

"Ha, I tell you what, Mom, I'll wash you while you wash, Candy."

"Oh anything for a quiet life... I must remember not to do this next spring!"

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