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Saturday, November 3, 2007

This, that and the other and a thinking toaster...

It's one of those moments in time... not feeling too great - the energy is down and the old trouble is being bothersome. Meanwhile I'm trying to get payment out of one of the local papers for an article and some photos I did for them a few months back. The article and photos, should you be interested, can be found on the Blag. It takes the reader on a brief tour of literary Oxford.

That aside and in order to amuse myself, I've been having a fine old time playing on Flickr and uploading a bundle of my photos there - a good deal more than have appeared on the blog - and uploads will no doubt continue and continue and continue... I've also been playing with light and reflections again, though had something of a hard time not being blown away. Spring, it seems, has gone into temporay abeyance and winter appears to be making a concerted effort at a comeback.

However, on the really good news front, the ideas are starting to flow again for my manuscript and although I have no idea where the story will take me (I never do, I just go along for the ride while the muse gallops along in her chariot dragging me behind her), I sense threads forming and weaving themselves together. It's possibly a bit of a mad way of writing - I certainly know that most of my plotting and planning writer friends think I'm a trifle insane (and they may be right but for now I'm going odds on that this is what works for me). Frankly, I find the minute I plot and plan the story sneaks off, hides and I can hear it blowing loud and gobby raspberries at me. Funny thing, stories, they really do appear to have a mind of their own.

Right, now I'm off to see if I can create a wishdosher. What, you might ask is that? Well, it's when you take a dishwasher, do some modifications, stack it up with dishes - everything needs to go in backwards, turn it on and instead of sparkling clean dishes at the end of the process, you get sparkling clean dosh (piles and piles of money) instead. Dishwasher, wishdosher - geddit? Well, you can't blame a girl for letting her imagination run riot, now can you?! I mean, just look below and see what happens when you take an ordinary toaster out of its natural environment and let it start having thoughts of its own... A reflecting toaster, what d'you know!

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