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Monday, November 5, 2007

Streams of Consciousness Part II

So, I continue my journey of playing and seeing what arises... Some of you have asked what music I was listening to when I wrote the words. It was Reiki Gold by Llewellyn (available on Amazon) - music used for healing, soothing and meditation, very New Age stuff but I find it deeply relaxing. I thought I'd toss in two "pomes" today since they both seem to have a nature feel. I make no excuses for the quality of the writing, the words are unedited, simply written down as they swam up, no inner critic, no trying, just being and letting be. Same with the images - just playing and having fun, not trying to create anything. I always think play - unfettered, light-hearted, unselfconscious - is the best means of nurturing creativity. As for the pictures, the first one comes from a close up shot of autumn leaves and berries. The second is a collage formed from various of my close up flower shots. You'll notice as the week progresses a preference for circles and bubbles...

Stream of Consciousness II

River flowing

over Pan’s pipes

reeds rustle

to reveal

cherub’s wings

Summer haze spreads

in golden waves

all is abundance

Stream of Consciousness III

Rippling stars

twinkle on water

Blue butterfly soars

through heaven’s arches

Petals whisper

to dewdrop gems

Angels smile

and sing

Chorus rises



And now, on a completely different note, I need to direct you here... To the blog of the Sisterhood of the Pointy Heels. I have no idea how it happened, I'm not even sure if I follow it but evidently I am Commander in Chief of the Sisters of the Pointy Hats (this is just what chance remarks will result in) and as such, have earned myself a place at the Round Table of the Greater Sisterhood. You are thusly requested, by the CnC of the Sisters of the Pointy Heels to "add your valued comments to the proceedings". As I understand it, something of a battle is ensuing between the Sisters and The Knight of the Besmirched Countenance (well, you know just how mucky men can be). I confess that it is largely all beyond me but I nevertheless, as ordered by the CnC of the Sisterhood, point you in the direction of all things, well, pointy. The story appears to start here and, more particularly, here. Just don't come back and ask for explanations from me if you happen to be confused.

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