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Monday, September 15, 2008

Housekeeping - of widgets and awards

Given all the virtual traveling we’ve done for the past few weeks, a few things have managed to slip in and have been given no attention. Time to remedy that before returning to “regular service”.

First of all, I have to share with you the coolest and most addictive widget to hit the internet. The widget was created by the Stray (who is fast becoming a victim of her own success!) of Chasing Sheep, for the delightful Caroline of In Search of Adam – as a marketing tool for Caroline’s new book Black Boxes.

The Black Box widget – see my side bar - is connecting like-minded souls all across the great interwebloggy thing. You can read all about it here and by following the related links. The word blackbox has already morphed into a verb and bloggers are telling each other, "Hi! I blackboxed to your blog". Move over Scotty, no one needs beaming up anymore!

All around the world, bloggers are happily reporting increased stats and are having all sorts of fun making new blogging buddies. Go and try it - click on the "Decide" button, make some choices, leave a choice for others to make, and follow the mystery blog link! It’s great fun – but don’t blame me if you spend hours playing!

Then there are some awards which have come my way and which need passing on.

First, from Sue Guiney, author of Tangled Roots, comes the Perfect Blend of Friendship Award. Thank you, Sue!

Although I hate singling people out, I hereby pass the award on to,








Then, from the lovely Sameera and the delightful Scarlett come two awards –

the I love your Blog Award...


the Wylde Woman Award

You girls are such sweeties. Thank you! Big Mwah!

First off, I’m changing the name of that last award and from now on, by the laws of this blog (and supported by the rulings of that wicked chicken, Atyllah the Hen – and you don’t want to argue with her!), it is known as the Wylde award – none of this gender defining stuff, please!

Again, these awards are also supposed to be passed on. But because I totally loathe singling people, I’m bucking the trend. Each one of you is special, I enjoy every blog I read (or I wouldn’t read it!) and you are all equally deserving in your own special way. So I’m giving these awards to all of you – and especially to all those extra-special Wylde Men!

I notice I’ve also been tagged for a meme by Susan at Gottawritegirl – that’s going to have to wait a few days though! Too much other catching up to do after all that virtual safari-ing! And yes, yes, I know Baino, you want more! Later – maybe, if you’re good and my budget allows!

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