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Friday, September 26, 2008

Gone creative

Oh dear, short on words - mind far too occupied with next editing process. The last "big" edit was completed on Monday - I think it was Monday... where does the time go... So goal directed and utterly absorbed. Then I started the read through of the manuscript to pick up typos and such like. Ah, but cannot leave well enough alone, so I find I'm deleting more words, adding others in, pruning here, applying a little root grow elsewhere. It's got to come to an end, or like WH Auden, I'll still be editing long after the novel's published. How's that for confidence, eh - the bold assumption that this story will find a publisher. Oh yes, let's hear it for positive visualisation and affirmation!

But here I sit, in the middle of the morning, still in my jimjams, hair tousled, eyes focussed though perhaps a bit wild, totally away with the vampires, scribbling and then scribbling some more. Just had a new idea, another level of tension that might be added to the plot. Ah, but will it serve a purpose, perhaps, but only if the book turns into a series. Hmm, okay, so I'll put the idea aside for now - in the present context it will add nothing. But it's something to be kept in mind. Who knows... She dreams of the three, or four, or five book deal...

All right, so here's the deal - the bottom line is you're really not going to get anything sensible out of me today - so instead I'll share with you something from my playtime in the digital darkroom when I was taking a break the other day. What day? Don't know, days have been merging into a stream of words flowing together as I hurry towards my dream.

As you'll see from the images, I really am in a less than "real" genre at present...

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