It's that time of year again, when the Southern Right Whales arrive at our southern shores to mate and calve. You'll have got plenty of this from me last year, but, hey, can one ever really get enough of these magnificent creatures? Since I'm not given to repeating my words if I can help it, I suggest you take a look at last year's post to get more on the whale story. What can I say, it's been a long day out, I'm tired and my eyes are sore from squinting at bright and glistening sea.

So we went here...
Walker Bay, Hermanus

Well no, not exactly like that... because we're a bit wussy...
We prefer to stay on terra firma.
(Yar! Landlubbers!)

It's really hard to give you a decent indication of just how enormous these magnificent creatures are. Just think... very, very much bigger than an elephant. Or think, something like an iceberg, what you see above, is just a small indication of what's below.
And because I can never get enough of a good thing, I plan on going back in a week or two's time!
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