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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Best of Birds (KNP 13)

Yellow-billed Hornbill - you've met him before...

"Spring is sprung and da grass is riz, I wonder where da boidies is?
Da boid is on da wing!
But dat's absoid! Da wing is on da boid!"

Yes, well, that's quite enough words for today - too many pictures of birds - so let's just be getting on, shall we?

Whiteheaded vultures - Can you see dinner, Harry?

Tawny Eagle at the waterhole - he sure scared off the impala...

Pied Kingfishers at Lake Panic - oh and an Egyptian Goose too

Mousebird at dawn

Lilac-breasted Roller - I'm so pretty, oh so pretty...

Ground Hornbill - Who? Me? Uh...duh...

Grey Loerie - this time not hopping up a tree (as it usually does).

Grey Hornbill - neat camouflage

Grey Heron - coming in to land

Grey Heron - so stately

One Glossy Starling...

... and another Glossy Starling. Total iridescence.

Flycatcher - where are those flies...

Crested Barbet - bright bird indeed

Bokmakierrie - sweet sort of chap

Bee-eater - bzzzzzzz....

African Jacana - oh look at me!

Vulture - so whaddayawanna do today, I dunno, whaddayawanna do...?
(Remember the Jungle Book vultures...?)

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