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Friday, October 10, 2008

Memememememememe – and YOU!

I’ve recently been tagged for a few memes – but in time honoured, goal-directed tradition of a writer on a mission, I completely forgot who’d tagged me. It’s taken a few days of headscratching, whilst pondering what to blog about, for me to remember. I apologise profusely to both Val and Susan for having a sieve for a brain.

So Val’s meme first. I’m going to have ask Val to excuse me for not doing the first part of the meme but figuring out how to choose someone from my address book to tell the world about left me completely baffled - maybe I've just got the wrong kind of address book!

But here’s the second meme that Val tagged me with. It is a series of questions that must be answered in eight words;

WHERE WERE YOU TEN YEARS AGO? Dealing with my father’s death, preparing to get divorced. (oops, nine words there…)

WHATS ON YOUR TO DO LIST TODAY? Manuscript rewrite, grocery shopping, blog, email, water garden.

WHAT IF YOU WERE A BILLIONAIRE? Right now? I’d be stressing about the markets, looking to buy property and gold, and looking to pick up stocks when the market bottoms out.

FIVE PLACES YOU HAVE LIVED: Cape Town, Durban, London, Dublin, Guernsey.

THREE BAD HABITS Procrastinating, slobbing, not dejunking often enough

SNACKS YOU LIKE Chips/crisps, fruit, Lindt 70% dark chocolate

Janey, Baino, Ropi, Mellifluous Dark, Lane, Susan

And now for Susan’s meme.

*Tagged bloggers post answers on their blogs & replace questions as they wish.
*Tagged bloggers state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.

1. What do you do before bedtime? Blog, watch TV or read

2. What is your favorite sound? Waves crashing on the beach, wind in the trees

3. What were your childhood fears? Being abandoned, finding thief under my bed

4. What place have you visited that you can't forget and want to go back? Tuscany

5. What has made you unhappy these days? The rank greed in the world – and thereby the state of the markets.

6. What websites do you visit daily? Facebook, online dictionary and thesaurus, Google search

7. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is? I think Susan is energetic, fun, focussed and determined. She’s also a great interviewer and is passionate about what she does.

8. What’s the last song that got stuck in your head? Puff the Magic Dragon…

9. What’s your favorite item of clothing? Jeans

10. What is your dream for the future? To get a lucrative publishing deal and be living in a place where I feel safe and secure.

Right, and now to the tagging:
Janey, Val, Aerin, Storm, Bonnie

Sneaky, eh? You notice I managed to tag both Val and Susan right back! Muahahahahahaaaaa!

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