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Friday, May 21, 2010

Milestones: How Do You Celebrate Them?

I love to give parties at my house. I grew up in a family where we celebrated most of the major milestones in life together at someone's house - with food, drink and great company. For me, there is nothing more fun than welcoming family and friends into my house to celebrate life's big events - be it birthdays, sacraments, promotions, graduations. image from googleblogging.com

This week my oldest child graduated from his elementary/middle school and is now moving on to high school. I am hosting a couple of parties this week in celebration of the big event - one was a mother's breakfast at my house yesterday. I took the party prep time as an opportunity to tweak some things in my house...moved the living room rug, changed a few table scapes...

How do you celebrate the milestones in your life? At home, at restaurants, at event venues - or do you just wish the milestones would move right on by?

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