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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Obama Doesn't Know Snooki
President Obama says he has no idea who Snooki from "Jersey Shore" is. His popularity among conservative Republicans has just shot up 437%.

New Kindle
Amazon is introducing it's new Kindle that includes a new battery, wifi, and a map of the nearest place where the owner can eventually buy an iPad.

Chevy Volt Price
Chevy is selling its new electric car for $41,000. That's $1,000 for the car and $40,000 for the UAW campaign finance fund.

College Drinking Report
A new report shows that U.S. colleges aren't doing enough to limit student drinking... and the ones that are doing enough are only doing that by offering the freshmen free bongs.

Immigration Law Nixed
A federal judge has outraged millions of Americans by striking down most of Arizona's tough new illegal immigration law. But the ruling is delighting millions of American men who now have another excuse to watch the Spanish language news shows with the hot anchors in low-cut tops.

July 29th

1565: The widowed Mary, Queen of Scots, marries Henry Stuart at Holyrood Palace. Queen Elizabeth attends the reception and has the ice sculptures beheaded.

1830: Charles X of France abdicates… assuring him an honored place in a long line of French leaders who quit and ran away.

1921: Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi Party, narrowly beating out the Joker, the Riddler and Lex Luthor.

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