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Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Unicorn Glitter Award

The inimitable Lucy Coats, storyteller extraordinaire, has bestowed upon me a lovely, glittery award. In fact, none other than the Unicorn Glitter Award. You may recall that I interviewed the lovely Lucy a few blog posts ago. If you didn't read said blog post, go and read it now! Forthwith!

This special Glitter Award is for bloggers who post in the spirit of the enchanted mists. So if your blog includes:

fantasy & science fiction (books, films, games),
fabulous artwork,
spiritual stuff,
myths and legends,
enchanted creatures,
anything else mysterious, beautiful or otherworldly,
you might see one come your way!

As with all awards, there are rules and the rules of this award are...

1. Pass this award on to a maximum of five other blogs you think would make the horn glitter. If you only want to pass it on once, that's fine - but the magic dies if you keep it under your bed for too long! And don't forget to leave a comment on your chosen blog(s) to let them know about it.

2. Add the award to the sidebar of your blog with a link back to this blog/post.

3. Tell us your favourite:
Poem or song
Myth or legend
Enchanted creature

So, first off, let me pass on this award to five other lovely, glittery blogs. First up, is the amazing, remarkable and incredibly special and talented Tessa Edwards of Aerial Armadillo. Next is Val of Monkeys on the Roof who gives us stunning words and images of the beauty and mystery of wild Africa. Then there is the remarkable Candy Gourlay, a wonderful and talented storyteller, and Jon Mayhew, another wonderful teller of tales. And finally there is another magical storyteller and Chinese brush artist, Cindy Pon. May your horns glitter brightly!

And now - my favourite book... I think it must be Elizabeth Goudge's The Little White Horse, a children's classic.

My favourite film - Stealing Beauty because I can't resist the Tuscan landscape the wonderful coming of age story and romance.

My favourite poem - TS Eliot's Little Gidding V - you know the one...

We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time.

Through the unknown, remembered gate

When the last of earth left to discover

Is that which was the beginning;

At the source of the longest river

The voice of the hidden waterfall

And the children in the apple-tree

Not known, because not looked for

But heard, half heard, in the stillness

Between the two waves of the sea.

Quick now, here, now, always--

A condition of complete simplicity

(Costing not less than everything)

And all shall be well and

All manner of things shall be well

When the tongues of flame are in-folded

Into the crowned knot of fire

And the fire and the rose are one.

Favourite myth or legend - I'm really not sure why, but it must probably be the story of Momotarō, the little Peach Boy from Japanese legend.

And finally my favourite enchanted creature - no prizes for guessing, for anyone who knows me - it's the Pegasus - and for all sorts of reasons which I'm not going to explain here!

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