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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Stimulus Cheerleading
The White House plans a big event today to declare the stimulus plan is working... not one else in America is working, but the White House says the stimulus plan is.

Toyota Tests
New reports from the Department of Transportation show that many of the Toyota "sudden acceleration" accidents were caused by driver error... but not bigger than the error of buying a compact Prius for more than $26,000.

Oakland Cop Layoffs
The city of Oakland has laid off 80 police officers to save money. Most of them are expected to get jobs as security guards for politicians who say the stimulus is working.

Bailing Out the Press?
Columbia University President Lee Bollinger is calling for a government bailout for the newspaper business. The government is willing to hand over billions, as long as the newspapers agree to stop printing the unemployment report every month.

Alzheimer's Study
A new study shows that a person's race and culture may play a role in whether they are likely to get Alzheimer's Disease. For example, Jewish men are 95% more likely to want to forget everything their mother tells them.

July 14th

1769: The de Portolá Expedition establishes a base in California, and sets out to find a convenience store that sells a decent fish taco.

1789: Citizens of Paris Paris storm the Bastille and free seven prisoners before they were brutally scheduled to take a bath.

1865: First ascent of the Matterhorn by Edward Whymper and party, four of whom die on the descent… mostly because they tried to bring back too much stuff from the summit gift shop.

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