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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Russian Spy at Microsoft
It turns out one of the 12 Russian spies discovered in the U.S. last month had a job at Microsoft. Like most Americans, he was just trying to find out why the stock never moves too.

Stimulus Rally
President Obama continues the cheerleading for the Recovery Act, when he goes to an electric battery plant in Michigan today that received stimulus money. The people at that plant will start working just as soon as someone buys an electric car.

BP Admits Helping Murderer
BP now admits it lobbied the British government for the early release of the Libyan Pan Am-Lockerbie bomber. It's not clear if BP did it to get drilling leases in Libya, or to hire the terrorist as its new CEO.

Argentina Gay Marriage
Argentina has become the first South American country to legalize gay marriage. Of course, Brazil has yet to legalize heterosexual marriage.

Kids at Home & School
A new study shows that the way your family interacts at home can affect how your kids do in school... which is why all parents should teach their kids how to use a gun.

July 15th

1799: The Rosetta Stone is found in the Egyptian village of Rosetta, thus boosting foreign language requirements for college undergrads to an unbearable level for centuries to come.

1838: Ralph Waldo Emerson delivers a speech at Harvard Divinity School, discounting Biblical miracles and declaring Jesus a great man, but not God. No one at Harvard has believed in anything since.

1997: Andrew Phillip Cunanan guns down Gianni Versace outside his home. Dozens of Versace models mourn his death by going on an 28-month fast.

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