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Friday, May 7, 2010

Grandchildren for years to come

Returning home from Wales on the British Polling Day, observing that Geraint Davis (Labour) is elected MP for Swansea West with a majority of 504 votes, but also registering that the winner is the Conservative Party and David Cameron.
The image above is the "final result" (In Thirsk and Malton, Yorkshire & the Humber, the election has been delayed until May 27th due to the death of a candidate during the campaign)However, this blog post is dedicated to my grandchildren walking into the future whatever political directions they may face.
Hedda Emilie has now just passed her "standard" delivery day (40 weeks), but has been smiling to the world since mid January. A real beauty.
The "Bajas" (Buffoon) Henrik Isak has become the family´s Prince Charming, so watch up when he starts to put his eyes on your daughters.
Helene is in her second grade and a very smart child when it comes to articulation, spelling, writing and maths. She became the winner of our Yatzy competition and is bilingual although her language at school is English.
Back home in Oslo Maja is playing on the grass at Tullarbo, turning her one year birthday next week.The spring flowers go to all of them. Love you all.

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