In the agricultural area where I live, a block is a mile on each side.
I know that for many a walk of four miles is nothing. In fact, I think I'm ready to go for another block, myself.
Although a couple of dogs followed me for a bit just down the street, they got bored of it pretty quickly and no one or nothing bothered me the rest of the way...
...though I was kept under constant surveillance.I took this from the next road over. Those trees are across the road just down from our house. The water tower is two blocks further on. Remember--a mile on a block? So the water tower is about three miles away from where I was standing. (It may be a little less, as I think that one of the blocks may be a little less than a mile.)
Agriculture in this area is diverse. Besides the hops which surround us, on our block I found apples, cherries, alfalfa, and grapevines.
I've always admired the bank of California Poppies the neighbor at the corner has each summer. Of course, it is half a mile away, and we usually only see it while passing in the car.
I really could go for another round of one of the blocks, but I will save it for another day. There is so much to do of a Saturday morning. I am consciously planning some training walks--especially for days we don't have morning activities that interfere. I have often walked the six miles to McDonald's for breakfast and called hubby to meet me there. But he has taken a job with the census, and I am afraid if I did that, I might have to walk back. Twelve miles wouldn't hurt me.

And, of course, I am starting to train once again for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure in November.
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