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Friday, June 18, 2010

Chinese Currency Move
China has agreed to trade its currency fairly... which is why the Chicken fried rice at my local restaurant now costs $17,000.

Medicare Cuts
As of Friday, doctors are getting paid 21% less for treating Medicare patients... which is explains why most doctors offices are now blasting thrash rock in their waiting rooms.

Krugman's Warning
Liberal economist Paul Krugman is warning that if the government doesn't keep spending stimulus money, we risk creating a new permanent underclass in America... mostly made up of discredited liberal economists.

Van der Sloot Recants
Joran van der Sloot now says he was "tricked" into confessing to the murder of a Peruvian girl. Apparently, he was willing to tell the police anything when they promised to turn off all the prison TV's showing Nancy Grace.

Madoff Boast
The good news for Bernie Madoff's victims is the scammer now says he still has $9 billion worth of their money. The bad news is he put all that money into BP stock.

June 21st

1915: The Supreme Court strikes down an Oklahoma law that denies the right to vote to some citizens. The justices decision rightly denies the vote to everyone in Oklahoma.

1982: John Hinckley is found not guilty for the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan. The jury rightly convicts the New York Times instead.

2001: A federal grand jury in Alexandria, Virginia, indicts 13 Saudis and a Lebanese in the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers that killed 19 American servicemen. And since NO anti-American acts of terrorism have occurred since, this is a shining example of how the best way to fight terrorism is with our federal court system. Oh, wait...

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