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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

GM Request
GM is asking banks to give more loans to its potential customers... and it's also asking the banks to help it find some potential customers.

G20 Summit
The G20 Summit gets underway in Toronto this weekend. The world leaders are hoping to hammer out a complicated economic agreement, as long as they only have to talk about it during halftime of the World Cup games they'll all be watching.

Gore Accused
A Portland woman accuses Al Gore of sexually attacking her in 2006. She reportedly has evidence, including a ripped pair of pants and a green condom.

Homebuyer Credit Fraud
It turns out 1,300 people who applied to get the new homebuyer tax credit were actually prison inmates. What's the average price of a 5 x 5, one-toilet home?

Cigarette Costs
A new tax is pushing the price of cigarettes in New York City to over $11 per pack. It's getting so expensive, some smoker on the street tried to charge me for inhaling his second-hand smoke.

June 24th

1922: The American Professional Football Association formally changes its name to the National Football League... mostly in hopes of getting out of all of its paternity suit cases.

1957: In Roth v. United States, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that obscenity is not protected by the First Amendment... but it sure is fun!

2004: In New York state, capital punishment is declared unconstitutional... except for people who double park in Times Square.

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