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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fin Reg Bill Deal
Congressional Democrats have finally reached an agreement on the new financial regulatory bill. The big banks will now be required to put thousands of dollars into large sacks and then allow politicians and union thugs to hit them over the head with them.

Spill Costs
BP says its costs from the Gulf spill are now at $2.35 billion... $2.41 billion for premium.

Condoms for Kids
A Massachusetts school district is now allowing first graders to get free condoms. That's ridiculous, everyone knows its the kindergartens who are getting busy at nap time!

Skilling Wins
Thanks to a Supreme Court decision, former Enron chief Jeff Skilling will get his sentence reduced. A few more decisions like that, and he'll get his own show after Eliot Spitzer on CNN.

Welfare Casino
Since October 2009, California welfare recipients have used their welfare debit cards to withdraw $1.8 million from ATM's on casino gambling floors. The news is comforting to millions of Americans who were worried that people on welfare use the money just to buy drugs.

Welfare Casino II
Since October 2009, California welfare recipients have used their welfare debit cards to withdraw $1.8 million from ATM's on casino gambling floors. But the good news is that kids on the school lunch program are now eligible for the $9.99 all you can eat casino buffet

June 25th

1935: Diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and Colombia are established. They manage to talk about soccer for a few minutes and then things just get awkward.

1678: Elena Cornaro Piscopia becomes the first woman awarded a Ph.D. She is then burned at the stake as a witch.

2009: Pop icon Michael Jackson dies at age 50. His original nose, cheeks, and skin are still alive and living in Encino.

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