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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

White Pelicans Summer in My World

They arrive on the Yakima River sometime in March each year and are gone some time in the Fall. When I commuted, I generally would not see them early in the morning--I think they are late risers. But along about nine or ten o'clock if you would be going along the river, you might see them flying in formation--two, five or ten. Rarely solitary, they seem to prefer the society of the flock. On my commute home I might see them already settling for the night--again in groups.

On our return trip from Leavenworth Sunday afternoon we found this flock in the Yakima River Canyon between Ellensburg and Yakima and stopped for a good look. I've never seen so many at once--Linda counted seventy and I had estimated about the same but was too busy with the camera to do a detailed count. (I guess they are standing still for us now, so you can check our accuracy if you wish.)

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