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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Koran Burning Suspended
A Florida pastor has decided not to burn Korans after all... but a number of left-wing synagogues have offered to burn their Torahs in solidarity with their Muslim brothers.

Military Gay Ban Ruling
A federal judge in California says the military's ban on gays is unconstitutional... he also ruled that the army's khaki fatigues are "so 1991."

Tattoo Ruling
A federal court in California has ruled that it's illegal to ban tattoo parlors because tattoos are a form of free speech. If that's true, then 20 million Californians are saying that they're trash.

Unions vs. China
The steelworkers union is filing a complaint against China for using "unfair practices" like massive subsidizing green energy, devaluing its currency, and making its workers actually work.

Bono Fashion
It turns out the African fashion line sponsored by U2 frontman Bono is actually made in China... and most of U2's music since 1992 has been made in Hell.

September 10th

506: The bishops of Visigothic Gaul meet in the Council of Agde. Embarrassment ensues when it turns out they all forgot to bring the Powerpoint slides.

1897: A sheriff's posse kills 20 unarmed immigrant miners in Latimer, Pennsylvania… mostly because they were caught rooting for the Browns.

2002: Switzerland joins the United Nations, eschewing centuries of neutrality in return for decent parking privileges in Manhattan.

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