My first poster from 1975 was the one above which I got from the owner of the gallery for free. At that time the posters was seen as an advertising tool and spread around in shop windows.

Kai Fjell was one of the important artists in the Modernism in Norway (also called The New Impressionism).
In the 1930's a number of young artists adopted new influences through exhibitions of German Expressionist art and of Surrealism. This subjective and expressive approach to painting was for most painters a temporary phenomenon, not at least due to strong public opposition. Such individual expression broke at that time with the generally accepted conventions and rules in Norwegian art.
For a few artists elements of expressionism and surrealism, however, became more durable components of their artistic expression. Kai Fjell was one of these.

Arne Ekeland was another important painter from the same period who challenged the national mainstream represented by the academy. Expressionism and Surrealism also influenced his art. In addition, he received the impression from both cubism, Byzantine mosaic art and from Florence paintings, especially Botticelli.

More of Arne Ekeland´s paintings from Høvikodden some years ago can be found at My Gallery
It is a long way from my first poster by Rune J. Andersson to these spectacular paintings not obtainable for me even on an improved budget situation. However, their paintings have influenced my interest for art and been a tutorial tool for developing my humble paintings.
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