Then I received the above photo from my sister on her terrace at Fjøra between Valldal and Tafjord, Sunnmøre, and thought about the danger they live under at these fjords and steep mountains.
In the early hours of 7th April 1934 the mountainside of Langhammaren tumbled into the sea below. Around 7 million cubic tons of rock went hurling and caused tidal waves of up to 64 metres in height. The waves caused destruction particularly in the hamlets of Fjørå and Tafjord. Altogether 40 lives were lost.

The word "Snillisme" (extreme kindness) was made public 19 years ago, but R.G. confirms that he still would say the same today.
13. June 1991 the Labor Party politician Rune Gerhardsen sent shock-waves through Norway, by arguing about parts of the Norwegian welfare state - including service towards immigrants who received tumblers by the Social Services for free.
I have called it Snillism.A translation by me of Rune Gerhardsen about the word ”snillism” in his book ”Snillisme på norsk” (1991)
I've used the word as a term for the phenomenon that we as a society, in the intention of The Good, has stretched the system to the extreme and misguided goodwill.
The Good ideals are drawn to parodies.
All requirements shall be met, all problems shall be solved and all human difficulties shall be taken care of.
The Snillist meets all requirements with benevolence.
The Snillist is always responsive to a requirement, a need or interest.
The Snillist takes no confrontations.
The consequence is that responsibility is undermined and requirements towards the individual no longer is presented.
From the NRK-mentioned article I copy.
The welfare society is built on the rights and duties. Immigrants got a lot of rights without any demands on duties. That creates reactions and builds the foundation for conflict - strong conflict, "said Gerhardsen.
There is a difference between compliance and idiotic kindness, says Gerhardsen.
I am concerned that you have to distinguish between natural anxiety and turmoil and racism and xenophobia.
The "snillism" creats a turmoil and anxiety, although it has traditionally been a strong anti-racist attitudes in Norway. But in public it was a norm making it not allowed to think that this was disconcerting - even if it were completely natural, "said Gerhardsen.
I like R.G.´s attitude, but his party is not always marching along with him.

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