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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Art in Lincoln Cathedral

Ah, they are restoring this stained glass window.

Were you fooled?

This large painting was in the cathedral's cafeteria--showing the work that had been done several years earlier. Isn't it amazingly realistic?

The cathedral istself is a work of art--the architecture both inside and out as we have already seen, works of art in the windows, ins carved tombs (which will be the next cathedral post) and exhibits being shown at the time we were visiting.

In one side chapel was an exhibit of calligraphy and illumination.

A needlepoint wall-hanging represented the plants of the cloister garden.

The art installation that most moved me were "The Forest Stations--this interpretation of the stations of the cross done in woods from all over the world There are 163 different woods in the fifteen pieces. (I will add the name of the artist later, as I have left the booklet I purchased in my office.)

Here are some of the images.

Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross.

The women of Jerusalem weep.

Jesus is nailed to the cross.

Jesus dies on the cross.

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