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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

ABC Wednesday--D--and catch-up

The Seventh round of ABC Wednesday has reached the letter D and I promised something special on my return from my adventure. I dread that I cannot deliver. Destiny denied us. Tight schedules, bus breakdowns and clunks from motorbikes, and our plan to meet the creator of ABC Wednesday, dear Denise, and her husband Jon were not to be. DARN!

I did get to talk to her--here I am talking to Denise while waiting for a train. We talked several times trying to sort out how we could meet. But it wasn't to be.

Here is a lovely illuminated D we found in a display of calligraphy at Lincoln Cathedral--just the sort of thing that Denise might enjoy.
For Catch-Up--here is my B--a member of the Yeomen of the Guard at the Tower of London--the "Beefeaters".

And my C--a castle ruin in Wales.

Definitely a clue to our Adventure--a trip to Scotland, England and Wales which you will see quite a bit of in the next few weeks here and in my 365 No Themes No Memes photos only blog.

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