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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Gairloch forest and farm stroll

Our day in the Gairloch area took us along a lovely pathway past a manor house...
...and a horse farm--there was a riding class in session.

Both homes shared in the abundance of wildflowers to be seen in the neighborhood.

We got beyond the inhabited area and Shaun pointed out the lone cottonwood (I think it was cottonwood) tree.
That one there on the hill. Once there was a forest.
As I mentioned, we were on our way to a waterfall. There it is.

Name? Waterfalls here don't have names.
We actually did take shelter --all of us--under this uprooted tree's extensive root system when a sudden shower came along. It was the only serious rain of the day.

It was there also that I changed memory cards in my camera, so the rest of the hike are in another folder. Up to this point I had taken 654 pictures. I have two more cards which will take us through the rest of Gairloch, the rest of the Highlands, our trip back to Edinburgh, down through Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, to Wales and finally London. The trip isn't over yet.

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