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Friday, August 13, 2010

Reflecting in Edinburgh

Sir Walter Scott on the Scott Memorial. He must be reflecting on something, don't you think? And Hume--he's probably reflecting on how silly it is to fall into the bog.
Adam Smith undoubtedly reflecting on the economy. Oh, dear!
And Sir James Young Simpson reflecting on anesthesia. (He got the middle name, BTW, because there were two James Simpsons in the medical school at the same time. The registrar appended the young to his name to tell them apart. It stuck.)                                                
Gerard Manley Hopkins reflects on the world.
Ah, here is a reflection as you might have been looking for. Here, in Chambers Street, where Robert Louis Stevenson studied in the law school reflected in the window, and obviously reflected on the fact that he would rather be writing!
James sponsors Weekend Reflections. I hope you and he can abide my bit of whimsy with the theme this week.

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