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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Stormy Seas

It has been a somewhat torrid few weeks and hence the stunning blog silence.

My 84 year old - and generally extremely feisty (aka stroppy) - mother, started complaining of heart palpitations and generally not feeling too well. Since she's one of those "difficult" patients, the doctor didn't take her too seriously and diagnosed gastric reflux... Well, two weeks later there I was calling in the paramedics and rushing her off to the trauma unit - with pneumonia and a minor heart attack. Let it not be said that she does things in half measures. Anyway, a few days in Intensive Care and a few more days in hospital and she was back home. But we won't even go there. Suffice it to say, she is on the mend.

I, on the other hand, am somewhat stressed out and have been obliged to try and slow down. I keep forgetting that I have limitations which need respecting or I will end up flat on my back or my face. Which means other than running around like the proverbial blue-arsed fly for my mother, not much has got done. I can't even remember when I last looked at my writing or did anything remotely writerly. Actually, come to think of it, I get the distinct impression I'm in dire need of some R&R. Since that is in very short supply at present, I thought I'd just take you with me on a virtual trip to one of Cape Town's fishing harbours in the very beautiful suburb of Hout Bay - maybe next week, I'll even manage to get there in person.


Bob-bob-bobbing along...


La-la-la-laaaa...cough-cough... la la laaaaaaa.....

Reflections II

Dread-locked cool dude

Zimbabwean roadside bead vendors

The best gelateria in town - the real and genuine article! A good way to end any day.

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