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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Beinn Dampf part one

The day after we dripped through Beinn Eighe, we set off from Torridon Village on the banks of Loch Torridon to climb Beinn Dampf.
The trail leads off through a forest of Caledonian Pine past a babbling bubbling stream. As you can see, Elizabeth has doffed her jacket, evidence of the day's warmer temperatures.
As we get farther up, the stream slips into a beautiful waterfall. Unlike Americans, the Scots do not name their waterfalls--even big beautiful ones like the one in the Coire Mhic Feinchair yesterday and this one. Gorgeous!

Looking back, you can see the village of Torridon along the loch. Loch Torridon is a sea loch, so it is subject to tides as you can see here.
But look up the opposite hill. You can see how low the clouds are. Elizabeth will soon be putting that jacket back on.
Beinn Dampf part two will be just in time for SkyWatch Friday.

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