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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Images from Nature at Sunnmøre

Walking around in Norwegian nature gives both challenges and experiences. Many times we look up and see all the beautiful mountains and peaks we have around us. This photo is taken from Fausadalen (see previous post) towards Regndalstindene i Velledalen.
Go to Westcoastpeaks.com to out find more about these fantastic peaks.

However, today I will go into nature just in front of your eyes when walking in almost untouched areas.
When climbing down to the fjord vegetation swaps between forests to deep ravines. Great stones are left after avalanches or rock and mud-slides. Maybe some of these stones are leftovers from the ice ages.
Trees and plants are clinging firmly to the steep hillside, and the path is close to the precipitous cliffs.
Some cliffs are many hundreds meter high (or deep) and only made for mountaineers, but some are only a challenge to walk around.
If not ending as a waterfall the rivers and brooks are slowing down when the fjord or cost line is approaching.
It is time for a break, and the nature has made an original shelter with a bench for oldies like me.
Tomorrow I will take you inside the mountains to a cave from ancient days.

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