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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Some more of Edinburgh

My camera was very busy for that day and a half in Edinburgh. We will get to go on to other parts of Scotland soon--just a couple more posts. And next, one of the best parts. We went down the Royal Mile from the Castle (The Royal Mile is the old road that goes from the Castle to Holyrood Palace.) and after taking a look at St. Giles Cathedral...

...from more than one angle...

... we went on to locate the place of a rendezvous...
Actually, this is not where we rendezvoused, but you already saw a picture of Starbucks. We met blogger Lynda, whose blogger name is Loth, and who blogs at The Gym isn't Working. (Her blog title came from her then three year old son when she answered his question about why she went to the gym. Aren't kids something?) Lynda rescued us from Starbucks and took us past here--a place she new well, the courts (she's an attorney) to the tea shop in the basement of St. Giles, where the tea and scones were magnificent and the conversation delightful. After tea and conversation, my hubby took our picture back out on the steps of St. Giles.
While we were still standing there talking, across the square there arrived a wedding party, just hopping off the bus.  We encountered a number of wedding parties and pre-wedding celebrations in various parts of the UK, and I will probably gather some pictures together for a post. I believe this group had that double decker bus chartered for the event. Fun!

Well, in a final tribute to the legal profession, here was another nearby establishment:

I did say we would have pub signs, didn't I?

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